I made two small head- rest pillows for my hubby. He has the habit of taking a short nap right after lunch. According to him, the nap brings him some relaxation and rejuvenation. One of these pillows is for him to keep in his office , so that he can use it whenever he managed to spare time to nap during lunch hours. Another one is for him to keep inside his car. When there is a need for long distance travelling and he feels drowsy when driving, he could pull over to a rest area, drink a beverage and take a 20-minute nap. At this point, the small pillow will serve his need well .
I sewed invisible zips as openings for both of the bone shape pillow cases , so that I can wash them occasionally. The measurement of the pillow case is 11 in. x 7 in. The fabric used is cotton with cute cartoon cars printed on it. My hubby is happy with what he gets !

These pillows are very cute, yet practical! I'm sure your hubby likes them and he will use them for the years to come!